Downey girls Ponytail 8u all-star softball team

The Downey girls Ponytail 8u all-star softball team beat Norwalk, 4-1, in an international tie-breaker to win the ASA L.A./South Bay District Championship recently. The team includes coach Noe Landeros, manager Laura Bocanegra, coach Jose Mora, coach Jose Bocanegra, team mom Monica Mora and players Isabella Trujillo, Celeste Cortez, Emma Lopez, Samantha Gonzalez, Alexia Pulido, Nadia Landeros, Malia Pieper, Taylor Stephens, Eddyanna Galvez, Soraya Santiago, Marissa Gurrola, Ileana Bocanegra and JOselyn Mora. ********** Published: July 12, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 13

SportsEric Pierce