Downey girl wins state pageant

DOWNEY - Downey resident Jessica Aguirre was named Dream Girls USA California Hi-Point Champion at a pageant April 3 at the Crown Plaza Resort in Ventura.Aguirre, who represented Downey as she competed against young women from across the state, captured awards for best runway model, best dressed, most photogenic, prettiest hair and cover girl. Aguirre will compete in the national pageant July 14-17 in St. Louis, where 50 girls will try to win scholarships, including the grand prize of $10,000. In the meantime, she will attend charity events, parades and fundraisers in her role as Dream Girls USA California. Aguirre previously received the community service award from the Downey Rose Float Association. She is also involved with Cal State Fullerton's National Philanthropy program, where she is a third-year student majoring in communications with an emphasis in public relations and a minor in history. She is the daughter of Thomas and Teresa Aguirre, of Downey.

********** Published: April 14, 2011 - Volume 9 - Issue 52

FeaturesEric Pierce