Downey funeral home owner elected president of international funeral group

DOWNEY — Barbara Risher Welch, owner of Risher Mortuary & Cremation Service, has been elected president of Selected International Funeral Homes, a global organization of independently owned funeral homes.

Welch, whose family-owned mortuary operates locations in Downey and Montebello, was chosen for the role by Selected International’s Board of Directors at a recent meeting. She will officially begin her term at the 2025 Selected Annual Meeting, scheduled for September 28 – October 1 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

In addition to Welch’s appointment, Christopher Waite, owner of Waite Funeral Homes in Medina, Ohio, was elected Board Chair for 2026.

Selected International Funeral Homes is a professional association that supports funeral service excellence by providing resources, best practices, and networking opportunities for its members. The organization is made up of independent, family-owned funeral homes that meet rigorous standards of service and care.

NewsEric Pierce