Downey Federal Credit Union recognized for helping Hispanic and immigrant community
Photo by Eric Pierce
DOWNEY — Downey Federal Credit Union was awarded the “Juntos Avanzamos” (together we advance) designation last week in honor of the credit union’s commitment to helping the Hispanic and immigrant community navigate the U.S. financial system.
The honor was bestowed by Inclusiv, an organization dedicated to helping low- and moderate-income communities reach financial stability through credit unions.
Downey Federal Credit Union becomes only the 10th credit union in California to earn the designation.
“Three major initiatives that we’ve looked at are: Hispanic communities, low-income communities, and financial literacy,” said Ray Mesler, president and CEO of Downey Federal Credit Union. “We really see that need in Downey and some of the surrounding communities. It is my passion doing this and I know our Board of Directors share that passion as well.”
A ceremony was held outside the credit union April 18 to celebrate the “Juntos Avanzamos” designation.
From left: Clarissa Ritter, vice president of marketing and communications for Inclusiv; Giggy Perez-Saab, DFCU board member; Ray Mesler, DFCU president and CEO; Stan Hanstad, DFCU board member; Tyrone Conde, DFCU vice president of marketing; and Pablo DeFilippi, senior vice president of membership and network engagement for Inclusiv. Photo by Eric Pierce
“Downey Federal Credit Union has demonstrated time and time again their incredible commitment to this community,” said Councilman Alex Saab, who presented Downey Federal with a proclamation from the city.
“The people helping people model, that is what it comes down to and that is what our staff, day in and day out, embody,” said Tyrone Conde, vice president of marketing for Downey Federal.
Pablo DeFilippi, senior vice president of membership and network engagement at Inclusiv, said the “Juntos Avanzamos” designation “will open the doors of opportunity and financial security for Latinos in the city of Downey and beyond.”
“On behalf of the growing Inclusiv/Juntos Avanzamos network, we congratulate Downey Federal Credit Union for making this public commitment to empowering the Hispanic community,” he added.