Downey couple celebrates 65 years of marriage

Luis and Ana got married on Sept. 28. 1957 in the small town of Santa Ana, Ecuador. Every time Luis shares their wedding details, he shows such happiness.

He was able to give his bride a wedding that was unusual in their hometown. He worked very hard to save $6,000 sucres. Besides the wedding gown, he bought her a whole wardrobe, which he had delivered to her before the wedding.

At that time there was no electricity, so he rented a generator, and a gramophone for music. The church was first-class, with a long red carpet and lots of flowers. Luis also rented a car for the people to be able to attend the wedding.

For their honeymoon, they went to the city of Manta, about two hours away. When they came back, they stopped at the city of Portoviejo. Luis got a haircut next door to a photo studio, where they took the only photo the family has to commemorate the special occasion.

In January of 1974, Luis and Ana migrated to the United States, leaving behind their five children, parents, siblings, and a large family from both sides. Though their lives in Ecuador were good, they wanted a better life for their children. When they arrived in California, they lived in the city of Cudahy with Luis’s brother. Ana would soon discover that she was expecting. That same year, their two daughters would also arrive.

It was through Luis’s brother that they would meet “their guardian angels,” The Denemberg family. They guided Luis to a new way of living, introducing him to the pizza business, enrolling him in driving school, and taking him to a car dealer where he was able to buy his first car, a Ford 1968. The Denemberg’s were also there for Luis and Ana step by step in regard to their immigration status.

Three years later, Luis, Ana, and their two daughters went back to Ecuador to receive the visas that would not only come back to the USA, but with their three sons that were left with relatives.

1977 would be the most important year for the Mendoza Cevallos family, as on May 20 they left LAX Airport with their green cards in hand.

It was not easy to find a home to rent for eight people. Guided by his sister, who was a real estate agent, they were able to buy their first home in May of 1978 in the city of South Gate.

Always thinking of what was best for their children, Luis and Ana bought their second home in the city of Downey in January 1989. Half of their married life has been lived in that home, which has been remodeled to accommodate the young children who still lived with them. Three of these children graduated from Warren High School, as well as some of their grandchildren.

Life was not easy, but it was not bad. With time, Luis became a business owner with his own pizzeria. Two of their children (along with some grandchildren) have earned Master degrees.

Luis and Ana grew a beautiful family who are now caring for them as they live their autumn season.

Happy 65th Wedding Anniversary mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, great-grandma and great-grandpa. We love you and thank you for everything.

Features, NewsStaff Report