Downey City Hall reopening Monday with restrictions
Photo by Eric Pierce
DOWNEY — Effective Monday, June 1, Downey City Hall will reopen its doors to the public and resume its regular operating hours of Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The public will now be able to conduct business in person, but will be required to wear a cloth face covering and maintain physical distancing while inside the building.
Downey Fire Department personnel will be conducting wellness checks for all guests entering City Hall. This will include temperature checks and screening questions to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The city is also implementing the following safety protocols:
• Installation of Plexiglas shields on public counters
• Yellow markers to ensure physical distancing
• Frequent cleaning/disinfecting of commonly touched areas such as counters, doorknobs, elevators, stairways, Plexiglas and restrooms
• Hand sanitizing stations
Although City Hall will reopen, residents are encouraged to continue accessing city services by email, phone and appointment, as there will be a limit to the number of people allowed inside the building.
As a reminder, the following city facilities will continue to be closed until further notice:
• Barbara J. Riley Community & Senior Center
• McCaughan Gym at Apollo Park
• City Maintenance Yard
• Downey Civic Theatre
• Columbia Memorial Space Center
Downey parks will continue to be open for passive use, such as walking, jogging, and leisure time outdoors for individuals or families. The following park amenities will continue to be closed: playgrounds, basketball courts, volleyball courts, fitness equipment, athletic fields and Skate Park.
“We are pleased to once again be able to re-open City Hall and provide our residents and businesses with the service they deserve in a safe and efficient manner,” said Mayor Blanca Pacheco.
“As we continue our recovery journey, I strongly urge our community members to take every precaution necessary to limit the spread of COVID-19,” added Mayor Pro Tem Claudia M. Frometa.