Downey author takes part in Latin book fair

DOWNEY - Downey resident and author Irma Reyes Herrera was well-received at the LeaLA Festival del Libro (book festival) at the Los Angeles Convention Center held May 11-13.The LeaLA Festival del Libro is an ambitious event organized by the University of Guadalajara as part of its ongoing commitment to extend its culture and art programs for the Latino community in Los Angeles. "En Busca De Mi Destino (In Search of My Destiny)" is Herrera's first book. It is an autobiographical account about the struggles and ultimate triumphs in her life as she made her way to the United States from her home country of Guatemala. It is described as "full of deep emotions, including positive and inspiring events that she hopes may guide someone through their own unique life experiences." The book is currently available on in Spanish with an English edition coming soon. For more information, go to

********** Published: May 24, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 06

FeaturesEric Pierce