Downey Art Vibe competition winners announced

DOWNEY - MJ Orozco and Bryan Avila have been announced as the winners of a student photography contest recently hosted by Downey Art Vibe at Porto's Bakery. Orozco and Avila were recently congratulated by sponsor Mary Stauffer at a downtown gallery Downey Art Vibe is scheduled to open soon. Avila's piece depicts colorful water droplets while Orozco won Best in Show with a silhouette photo. They also won cash prizes.

"The whole experience makes me want to pursue my photography even more and also share my experience in photography with other kids," said Orozco, who also thanked Downey High journalism instructor Michelle Napoli and photography teacher Ronda Cordova, along with friend Zulema Zarate, who posed for many of the shots.

"I have learned that lighting, moods and good equipment don't always make for a great shot," Orozco said. "The subject plays almost as big a role and Zulema proved that over and over. It was for that reason that I decided to donate my winnings to Zulema for her yearbook camp of which she will be a part of next year, in thanks for always being there for me."

Orozco plans to study photography at Long Beach City College this fall and transfer to a university, possibly Cal State Long Beach, in two years. The art competition has motivated her to keep pursuing her passion.

"The music, the food and the ambiance made us kids feel like something special," she said. "It would also like to thank the Downey Art Vibe for putting on this event and showing that there are good people out there looking to move the city and its youth forward."

********** Published: July 19, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 14

FeaturesEric Pierce