Downey adds 4 coronavirus cases, now at 106

DOWNEY — Downey added its 106th coronavirus case Tuesday, part of a 24-hour surge across L.A. County.

County health officials announced 670 new Covid-19 cases and 40 new deaths. Of those deaths, 25 were over age 65 and nine were between the ages of 41 and 65.

The latest figures came as Gov. Newsom announced plans to potentially start pulling back the statewide stay-at-home orders.

“While Californians have stepped up in a big way to flatten the curve and buy us time to prepare to fight the virus, at some point in the future we will need to modify our stay-at-home order,” said Newsom. “As we contemplate reopening parts of our state, we must be guided by science and data, and we must understand that things will look different than before.”

Newsom said the following six indicators will be used to consider altering the stay-at-home order:

  • The ability to monitor and protect our communities through testing, contact tracing, isolating, and supporting those who are positive or exposed; 

  • The ability to prevent infection in people who are at risk for more severe COVID-19; 

  • The ability of the hospital and health systems to handle surges; 

  • The ability to develop therapeutics to meet the demand; 

  • The ability for businesses, schools, and child care facilities to support physical distancing; and 

  • The ability to determine when to reinstitute certain measures, such as the stay-at-home orders, if necessary.

The governor said there is not a precise timeline for modifying the stay-at-home order, but that these six indicators will serve as the framework for making that decision.

He also noted that things will look different as California makes modifications. For example, restaurants will have fewer tables and classrooms will be reconfigured.

NewsEric Pierce