Don't blame the chief

Dear Editor:In George Hofsettler's letter to the editor ("Campos and Cash," 3/24/11), he places the blame on former police chief Roy Campos for retiring early and then seeking employment in other venues, calling it a selfish act. I feel that any blame for many of our former police and fire chiefs retiring early and then working elsewhere -- many times in the same capacity - should be pointed at the City Council past and present who have allowed this to become common practice by providing them with exorbitant retirement packages, many times making more money than they did while they were employed. This is a common practice in many other cities as well. In his State of the City address, Mayor Luis Marquez is quoted that "almost half of the $147.1 million budget is dedicated to the police department and another 25% goes to the fire department." Wow, does 75% of the budget seem disproportionate? Is too much of the city's revenue going to those departments and how much of it is allocated to those retired? Why is it not possible for a provision to be implemented like that of many other occupations or the SSI, in which one is not able to work in the same occupation elsewhere for a certain amount of time or until they reach the established retirement age or only work in a part-time capacity, unable to exceed a certain amount? I think this will prevent what has become a problem here and in many other cities, paying simultaneously two or more for the same job. In these times of dwindling revenues it might be prudent to do what many other cities and industries from aircraft maintenance to public utilities are doing and that is outsourcing. Yet, one can only wonder what the need is to leave Downey and seek work in other cities? -- Ed Romero, Downey

********** Published: April 28, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 2

OpinionEric Pierce