Do you like Thanksgiving leftovers?

My daughter, two sons, grandson and I love Thanksgiving leftovers. They are so important to us. 

Each year, I prepare the biggest turkey for Thanksgiving. It’s usually an 18-23 pound bird stuffed with my simple sausage stuffing. The turkey is then placed in the oven and roasted until golden. My family and I then eagerly wait to enjoy our delightful Thanksgiving meal. There’s also mashed potatoes sprinkled with crisp bacon, with thick turkey gravy poured over them, a green bean casserole, biscuits, cranberry sauce, cherry and apple pies, and vanilla ice cream.

My children always rave about my cooking. They even tell their friends about it. I really don’t know what the big fuss is. They particularly rave about my stuffing. I personally think the secret to delicious, moist stuffing is when it’s stuffed inside the turkey before roasting.

It takes three full days to prepare our Thanksgiving meal, including cleaning the kitchen, chopping, dicing and slicing the ingredients, and baking store-bought pies. In the end, it’s all worth it!

After feasting on our meal, we look forward to Thanksgiving breakfast the next day. I use my cast-iron skillet to reheat the meal with vegetable oil and butter. I heat the turkey and stuffing until they are moist and juicy. I also reheat the mashed potatoes until they have a crisp texture to them. Another batch of biscuits is usually baked. My daughter and I enjoy over-easy eggs with our leftover turkey breakfast. When everything is ready to be eaten, we relish the meal and are grateful for it.

Lastly, there are two more days of eating the rest of the turkey and trimmings and our dessert of cherry and apple pies and vanilla ice cream. It’s a repeat each day using my cast-iron skillet.

After everything has been eaten and every last morsel is gone, we look forward to going out and having a hamburger!

Thanksgiving leftovers are so important to my children and me. When I see my family enjoying the Thanksgiving leftovers that I reheated for them, it warms my heart, and I can hardly wait for next year’s Thanksgiving meal.

FeaturesYolanda Reyna