Do you have a case of 'Senioritis'?

Are you a senior? If so, you're probably already feeling the negative effects of an epidemic that affects graduating Seniors every year all around the nation: Senioritis.Senioritis seems to kick in for many seniors after they have completed college applications and first semester has ended (although some seniors may be affected at the beginning of the school year). So how do you know if you have Senioritis? If you have a few of the following symptoms, you may have already caught it. Symptoms: 1. You are unmotivated to do any kind of work, even if it's easy. I mean, why do your work-whether it be an arduous book report or just a simple worksheet-when it's so beautiful outside? Or better yet, why do your work now when Facebook, texting, and AIM are so exciting? 2. You've had more absences your Senior year than you've had in the past three years of high school-combined. Never has your warm and comfy bed been so persuasive in keeping you in it. Or perhaps, you've decided to pull a Ferris Bueller and pretended you are sick when you are in fact enjoying the day driving a classic Ferrari, watching a baseball game, or dancing and singing in a parade. 3. You can only think about the upcoming weekend (and its parties and other social events) and pray the weekdays fly by. Monday through Friday feels like an eternity and when the bell rings to dismiss you on Friday, a burden has been lifted off of your shoulders-that is, until Sunday comes back around. 4. College and prom are the only words that seem to leave your mouth. If you are a Senior planning on attending college and prom, you have most likely heard the following questions: Where are you going to college? Are you excited for college? What are you majoring in? Are you ready for prom? What are you wearing for prom? Who's your date to prom? What color is your dress? How are you getting to prom? (Yeah, it can get annoying.) 5. Striving for straight A's is a thing of the past. You already know what you're doing after high school and/or got accepted into college, so as long as you don't fail any of your classes and manage to graduate everything is okay, right? So as you count down the days to graduation (as I write this, there are 30 days, 1 hour, 2 minutes, and 42 seconds until then), make sure you keep your symptoms in check but still enjoy your last year of high school. There isn't much left of it and you want to make sure it is memorable-in a good way.

********** Published: May 21, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 5

NewsEric Pierce