DJAA accepting registration
DOWNEY - The Downey Junior Athletic Association (DJAA) is now accepting registration for flag football.The league is open to boys and girls, in kindergarten through eighth grade, who live or attend school in Downey. Non-Downey residents may be allowed to participate based on space availability. Registration on or before Aug. 31 is $60 and may be paid by cash or money order only. The price increases to $65 after Aug. 31. Final day to register is Sept. 14. Registration will be taken at Apollo Park on Aug. 31 (6:30-8 p.m.), Sept. 5 (9-11 a.m.), Sept. 8 (6:30-8 p.m.), Sept. 12 (9-11 a.m.) and Sept. 14 (6:30-8 p.m.). Parents should bring their child's birth certificate and report card when registering. For more information on registration or coaching opportunities, e-mail
********** Published: August 28, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 19