Dirty politics

Dear Editor,For the most part, our Downey Police Department does a good job keeping our streets safe from criminals. They receive complaints, investigate matters and even arrest when necessary. They don't mettle in local politics and certainly don't have time to waste on unfounded complaints. So when the police department investigated a complaint about Downey city council candidate Fernando Vasquez' attempt to secure office space from a firm he had just voted on as a planning commissioner, we cannot help but think that this is a serious matter. An attorney had to defend Vasquez before the police and Vasquez' defense in Eric Pierce's investigative story was that it was a "wild accusation." Why would anyone need to hire an attorney if the accusation was false? When my conscious is clean, I don't need to hire an attorney to defend me. Let's keep dirty politics out of Downey. -- Tony Diaz, Downey

********** Published: September 30, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 24

OpinionStaff Report