Demographics and secrets

Dear Editor:I read several times the letter written by Mr. Jorge Montero and was pleased to see someone else pays attention to the demographics of this city in which I have resided in the same house since 1977. Since I'm a white man with a Hispanic wife of over 41 years, and since I am now in the minority of the population, I presume I am now entitled to any benefits that may have been entitled to other minorities in the past? I must also say I was disappointed in The Downey Patriot for not posting any new article on the recent termination of the city clerk. I honestly believed after reading the article by Eric Pierce on Feb. 3 ("City Council Has Some Explaining To Do") there would be an article written in more detail about this secret termination of this lady. "If" the lady was discharged for violations of moral charges and/or non-criminal, then I understand the need of keeping the details confidential and those reasons should be kept from the general public. Any other reasons and it is the community's right to know why she was suddenly discharged in a hastily-called council meeting. I am strongly opposed to secrecy by any government agency regardless of their size. -- David Abney, Downey

********** Published: February 17, 2011 - Volume 9 - Issue 44

OpinionStaff Report