Non-profits partner to help Downey's shut-in seniors
Hero’s for Seniors, officially known as Homeless & Senior Hero’s, Inc., is a social entrepreneurial based 501C3 not for profit public benefit corporation operating exclusively in the city of Downey on behalf of our more than 2,000 living-alone senior residents over the age of 64, by utilizing a workforce of veterans – carefully screened and bonded – former homeless persons and young adults not ready for a college or trade school but considering social services.
By mutual agreement, Courage Forward, a non-profit organization which has a strong position with veterans in Downey, will be responsible for guiding veterans to our program and will also help with fundraising activities.
Each month a Downey business and an individual will earn the reputation of being a standout hero in our community.
For the month of April our business hero is MD Stainless Services located at 8241 Phlox St. between Paramount Boulevard and Downey Avenue. Phone number is (562) 904-7022.
The receptionist at MD Stainless is Ashley, a delightful and professional representative of the company who quickly recognized our non-profit mission in Downey and took our story to management and the workforce who in turn donated their services.
Anyone, commercial or residential, needing any type of stainless services should not hesitate in contacting this quality company which is an outstanding business representative of the Downey community.
Our individual hero of the month is Jeremy Ferguson. Jeremy attended Warren High School through his junior year and was 3.0 student, captain of the football team, member of the track team and a member of the drama class.
Jeremy Ferguson
In Jeremy’s senior year, a family member introduced him to illegal drugs, methamphetamines specifically, which he didn’t respond well to. He became abusive and began criminal activity including stealing computers from the school, which got him arrested and expelled. He spent about four years in county jail where he made up his mind he would never again have anything to do with that lifestyle or family member.
Today, Jeremy is 26, no longer on parole or involved in shady activities. He has a quality job (recently received a promotion), his own apartment and car. But more importantly, Jeremy has volunteered to donate his spare time in talking to young adults about illegal drugs and how quickly they can cause a person to become active in criminal behavior.
Jeremy has also earned his high school diploma and spent a semester in junior college.
Thank you, Jeremy, for volunteering with Hero’s for Seniors! We look forward to your participation.
Next month we will tell Patriot readers about our recently emancipated teenagers and their ongoing struggle to make good decisions on their own behalf and how participating with Hero’s for Seniors can help them find their own way in life.
Like most non-profits, we depend on the generosity and kind hearts of donors. We believe the residents and businesses of Downey recognize the importance of a strong upstanding community. Soon we plan on having some fundraising activities at local restaurants.
Besides Jeremy, we would also like to recognize the following individuals for their volunteer time to the organization:
Soledad Gutierrez, Manager Realty Group
Hans K Fritz, aid to Mayor Rick Rodriguez
In the meantime, we ask that interested donors either visit the following website: or by sending a check to the Downey Federal Credit Union at 8237 3rd Street, Downey, CA 90241 payable to Homeless & Senior Hero’s, Inc.
Any contribution is deeply appreciated! All donors will be recognized unless they request anonymity.
Soon we’ll publish contact information. In the meantime, you can offer comments and suggestions by calling (714) 342-8769.
Thank you most sincerely,
Dennis Billings, President & CEO
EIN 83-3879700