Councilman's 'machismo'
Dear Editor:
I worry about the city of Downey, not because of the election of Mayor Anne Bayer, but for the unbridled exercise of machismo by Councilman Mario Guerra.
The selection of mayor by rotation is a time-honored tradition in this city. Guerra, who in this writer's opinion suffers from incurable narcissism, is attempting to exercise uncontrolled powers over the City Council.
Bayer has only one vote and no more. Her duties as mayor are prescribed by the city charter, and she essentially acts as the titular head of the city for ceremonial matters. The city charter grants her no more power than any other council member. To attempt to circumvent the normal rotation of the City Council is a blatant attempt by Guerra to undermine the city charter.
I trust the citizens of Downey will remember that Guerra's first act as a councilman was an attempt to repeal term limits. He led the campaign against term limits which had been overwhelmingly voted by the citizens of Downey almost 20 years ago.
It should be noted and emphasized that his unnecessary and wasteful actions cost the city over $80,000 for an unwanted city election. Does Guerra have the best interests of the city in mind? His past conduct may indicate that he does not.
My only question to Councilman Guerra is when will he try to repeal term limits again?
Joseph Di Loreto
Joseph Di Loreto is a former mayor of Downey
********** Published: December 25, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 35