Commerce councilman told to resign

COMMERCE - A city of Commerce councilman must resign and abstain from holding public office for the next three years after pleading guilty Monday to obstruction of justice, the district attorney's office has announced.Hugo Argumedo, 49, was placed on three years probation by Judge Henry Barela. The case stems from a false affidavit that Argumedo certified as true, filed in a civil lawsuit between Commerce and the former city attorney, Francisco Leal. The false affidavit, signed by Argumedo, was filed by Leal in an attempt to defend allegations that he failed to pay a settlement owed to the city of Commerce after a contractual dispute. By filing a false affidavit, Argumedo caused the city to incur additional legal fees and resulted in a miscarriage of justice to the city, prosecutors said. Argumedo pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of obstructing justice. A felony count of perjury by declaration was dismissed at sentencing.

********** Published: December 23, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 36

NewsEric Pierce