City personnel

Dear Editor:We would like to congratulate Capt. Rick Esteves on his recent appointment as Chief of Police for the Downey Police Department. I think he will do a fine job. Over the last couple of years, the city has had many personnel changes that have been positive. With the retirement announcement of Assistant City Manager Lee Powell, it seems that the city will be making more changes and shifts in personnel. This is evident by the city's recruitment for the position of Community Development Director. This is a key position with our city and the city needs to appoint someone to this position that knows our community and has the experience to continue with the city's progress. I believe Planning Commissioner Louis Morales has these qualities. Morales brings a wealth of experience to our city and is vested in our community. I hope Morales considers applying for the position as he already knows the staff and it would appear to be a seamless transition. - Herb Williams, Downey

********** Published: October 9, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 25

OpinionStaff Report