City council approves partial fee waiver for Veterans Day block party
A Memorial Day block party at Bastards American Canteen in 2016. The Downey restaurant is hosting a Veterans Day and Marine Corps birthday celebration Nov. 10.
DOWNEY – The Downey City Council this week approved a partial fee waiver in support of a Veterans Day block party hosted by Bastards American Canteen.
The event is scheduled for Friday, Nov. 10, and will also serve as a celebration of the Marine Corps birthday.
Bastards sought to have approximately $9,238 in permit fees and security costs waived for the event. The restaurant, however, still owes the city $2,383 in unpaid fees related to last year’s block party, officials said.
The council voted 3-0 to waive half of this year’s fees contingent on Bastards paying its outstanding balance.
The block party is scheduled to take place on Downey Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Streets between 12-10 pm.
Streets will be closed beginning Nov. 9 at 12 pm and are scheduled to reopen by 2 am on Nov. 11.