Church celebrates Watch Night
DOWNEY - The Love, Peace and Happiness Family Christian Fellowship will commemorate the origin of Watch Night Service with two services on New Year's Eve.Watch Night Services, also known as Freedom's Eve, traces its roots to Dec. 31, 1862, when members of the black community gathered in churches and private homes across the nation as they awaited news that the Emancipation Proclamation had become law. At the stroke of midnight, all slaves in the confederate states were declared legally free. "When the news was received, there were prayers, shouts and songs of joy as people fell to their knees and thanked God," the church said in a press release. "Black folk have gathered in churches annually on New Year's Eve ever since, praising God for bringing them safely through another year. "It's been 145 years since that first Freedom's Eve and many were never taught the African American history of Watch Night, but tradition still brings us together at this time every year to celebrate 'how black people received their freedom from the bondage of slavery.'" Two Watch Night services will be offered: from 7-9 p.m. and 9 p.m. to midnight. Both services will feature performing artists and congregational activities for the entire family. The public is invited to the services. For more information, call the church at (562) 806-9890.
********** Published: December 30, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 37