Chick-Fil-A not wanted here

Dear Editor:I wanted to write to The Downey Patriot about why we should step up against Chick-Fil-A opening up a restaurant in our city. Chick-Fil-A is a chain of restaurants that promotes hate, inequality and will bring less business to our growing city. As we all know the Jim Henson Company and city of Chicago have all cut ties with the discriminatory restaurant chain. I believe Downey should do the same. In our city we have great businesses that promote pride in being who they are, including Macy's and JC Penney. Maybe we should give the location where Chick-Fil-A wants to open to a better restaurant chain like McDonald's or KFC, or even better, to a local resaurant owner in the city. It's time we move from being the sleepy city Downey is known for and bring more exciting vendors to our city. Let's even bring gay restaurants and bars -- let's grow into the future. Downey has a very large gay and lesbian population that go out to eat and drink in nearby Long Beach and West Hollywood that are very gay friendly and I think it's time for Downey to open its mind and arms to a new tomorrow. I would hate to bring my kids to a restaurant that promotes hate and discriminates against a select group of Americans. Carlos Rangel Downey

********** Published: July 26, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 15

OpinionStaff Report