Changes to Downey term limits? City Council to discuss Tuesday
The City Council on Tuesday will discuss Downey term limits and possible changes to the city charter, which would require voter approval. Pictured above are Measure G signs outside a property on Downey Avenue and 6th Street in 2008. (Photo by Eric Pierce)
The Downey City Council on Tuesday is scheduled to discuss potential changes to the city charter that would allow council members to serve longer than the current maximum of eight years.
Term limits were approved by Downey voters in 1993, restricting council members to a maximum of two four-year terms.
In 2008, a charter amendment known as Measure G would have allowed council members to serve three consecutive terms with the ability to run again after sitting out two years. Voters rejected the amendment with 67% of ballots opposed.
The city council has until July 23 to adopt a resolution placing a charter amendment on the Nov. 4 general election ballot.