Cerritos College film students earn scholarships

NORWALK - Cerritos College film students Dustin Ong and Justinc Shertick were awarded scholarships Monday by Future Media Concepts at the Burnies Awards Ceremony hosted by the college's Theatre and Film Department.Both received a full conference pass to the 2011 NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) & Post Production World Conference in April (a value of $895/person). The Post Production World Conference offers a complete educational experience for media professionals looking for the latest in production and post-production techniques and technology from top professionals. Sessions are taught by published authors, certified instructors, and industry experts who share best practices and the latest innovations. "I really feel blessed to receive this scholarship from FMC because going to the NAB and Post Production Conference will allow me to learn many skills from professionals that will make a difference in how to do my film projects," said Ong. Shertick agreed. "I'm really excited by this opportunity. In production you need to understand the post-production process to make your work better. I'm sure that with all of the incredible sessions that they're providing I will become a better filmmaker. Thank you FMC!" Future Media Concepts (FMC) is the nation's premier digital media training center representing the leading software manufacturers including Adobe and Apple. Headquartered in New York City, FMC now operates training facilities located in Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Orlando, Chicago, Dubai and the Gulf Region. FMC is also a leading producer of educational conferences for the film, television, video and web industries, including the annual NAB Post Production World Conference in Las Vegas. "The Burnies," similar to Broadway's Tony Awards, are held annually to recognize outstanding student work in the Cerritos College Theatre and Film productions. The Burnies and its home Burnight Theatre, perhaps needless to say, are named after Cerritos College's first President/ Superintendent Dr. Ralph Burnight, who took his vision for a local community college to the State Board of Education, and fought tirelessly for approval to build Cerritos College in the early 1950s.

********** Published: March 10, 2011 - Volume 9 - Issue 47

FeaturesEric Pierce