Candidate profile

Dear Editor:Thank you, Downey Patriot, for exposing the words and language of political novices like Gabriel Orozco in his fictitious resume. ("Residents Announce Candidacy for City Council," 6/14/12) Your actions and reportage embody the reason for the First Amendment, as even in modern times, the spoken truth must come before all else. I am so annoyed with people who see race as the first and foremost consideration right off the bat, yet scream in protest if anyone else dare speak or act the same. You report Orozco as stating that he wants to be the liaison between the "old white Downey and the 70 percent Latino Downey." As he seems to think old white Downey is not able to make their self interests or elected preferences known very well any longer. My response is a word...wrong! His remarks seem to dovetail quite well with those of Councilman Mario Guerra as reported by your newspaper as Guerra being very annoyed because the decision makers at Trader Joe's not placing a store here in Downey because Downey is no longer "white enough" for them. With that kind of sarcastic ridicule and smart-alecky thinking, no one will get along very well or for very long. As I have been a resident for over 60 years here in town, I dare say I have standing to make commentary on what I have seen come to change, much of which seems to me not so good. Gregory Barnes Downey

********** Published: July 05, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 12

OpinionStaff Report