Businesses warned of phony mailers

SACARAMENTO - State officials reminded taxpayers this week to be wary of misleading business solicitations from companies that mimic official correspondence from a governmental agency.Businesses in California have reported receiving notices from the "California Labor Compliance Bureau," requesting immediate payment of a "processing fee" of $275. The California Labor Compliance Bureau is not a government agency. The notices are publicly available information such as Board of Equalization account numbers and industry codes to make them appear to be official correspondence. The "processing fee" is purportedly for labor-related notices that California employers are required to post at their business premises informing employees of their legal rights under the National Labor Relations Act. The notices are available free of charge at For information regarding required notices, call the National Labor Relations Board at (202) 273-0064.

********** Published: November 03, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 29

NewsEric Pierce