Bravo to DCLO

Dear Editor:Congratulations once more to the Downey Civic Light Opera and Ms. Marsha Moode for the great production of "Crazy for You." The city of Downey can be infinitely proud of having this kind of theatre. The actors' performances, music, dancers, etc. were all excellent and everybody behind the curtains do an impreccable job. One more important thing: they still have a live orchestra. This is something that even bigger theatres don't have any more. Bravo to Marsha. Thanks for the good work. I have noticed that every day there are more children and young people in the audience. It is good to see that the Downey families are introducing their kids to good theatre. I raise my glass to wish long life and uninterrupted success to the DCLO. I am proud to live in Downey. Margo Baird Downey

********** Published: October 18, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 27

OpinionStaff Report