Academic boosters

Dear Editor:In response to Sergio Estevez ("Worthy School District," Letters to the Editor, 5/24/12), I agree that we need to do more as a community to recognize our teachers and students for their achievements. As a member of the Academic Booster Club (ABC) at Warren High School, we regularly hold fundraisers to establish scholarships for deserving students. Unfortunately, in these lean times, participation and donations are harder to come by. Anyone offering suggestions or providing donations (either monetarily or through gift cards that can be used as prizes) would be greatly appreciated. Just remember, when we were seeking higher education, with a modicum of effort and more resources, university doors were wide open. That is not the case now. Don't we owe our kids the motivation to continue to excel academically? Maria Clark Downey The Academic Booster Club meets in the Warren High library the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. throughout the school year.

********** Published: May 31, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 07

OpinionStaff Report