A vote for Saab

Dear Editor: My personal definition of the word "hometown" is Downey. It is the city in which my parents chose to raise their family. It is a city that wasn't as diverse in the early 1970s as it is today.

When my parents were looking to buy a home, it was suggested that, because of their "multicultural background," they should purchase a home on the "outskirts" of the city. Downey is where my parents owned a home for over 30 years. It is the city in which I met my closest friends and my husband. Downey is where I grew up and where I still work in today.

Who do you want to represent your hometown? Decision 2012 is upon us and it is important that the citizens of Downey select the best possible candidate to represent OUR hometown. Although I no longer reside in Downey, I am very concerned about who Downey voters select to represent their hometown.

I am concerned for the City of Downey's future because there are two candidates that are running in the citywide District 5 race that have questionable backgrounds. One disturbing article described a candidate, Salvador Franco, who likely violated the law. I read another troubling story ("Council candidate Gabriel Orozco has 5 DUI convictions on his record" 9/14/12) that speaks for itself. I hope that Downey voters will make the right choice because there is a much better option.

The silver lining for Downey's future is a four-letter word... S-A-A-B! There is hope. The bright blue and yellow signs that adorn the homes and businesses in Downey provide me with hope that my hometown will be in good hands. Though I don't know Alex Saab personally, from what I've read and from what others have told me, I do feel that Alex Saab is a strong candidate dedicated to "Moving Downey Forward" without any self-interest or hidden agenda, and solely for the people in Downey.

Some might say that I am trying to preserve and protect what Downey has to offer. I would agree. I would hope that most people are concerned about taking care of the town in which they work, grew up, or reside.

Tell all of your Downey friends and loved ones to do the smart thing...Vote Saab! I would hate to see Downey in the hands of a shady individual with a questionable past.

Doreen Paulus-Peterson Former Downey resident

********** Published: November 1, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 29

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