A vote for Saab

Dear Editor:I and my wife, Jean, have lived and been very active raising a large family and volunteering in Downey for more than 50 years. I served on the City Council for eight years during the 90s, eight years on the Planning Commission before that, and I have been acquainted with all of the city managers and council persons, present and past. I chaired the Charter Committee in the late 50's which drafted Downey's initial charter (which had reasonable limits on council members' compensation and many other protections). I am particularly aware of the fragile nature of the 3-vote majority that is required for our City Council to pass most measures. Downey generally has been fortunate in the past to have council members who are honest, intelligent with some business and working experiences, grounded in the community, and not unduly influenced by outside pressures. In the election to be held next month there are three candidates for City Council, District 4. In our opinion, Alex Saab is the best qualified. He and his three brothers were raised and went to school in Downey. He is a highly-involved community volunteer, conducts his law office business in Downey and has a real estate broker's license. He and his wife own a Downey home and are starting a young family with their 2-year-old son. If qualified candidates such as Alex can continue to be elected to Downey's City Council, and quality city managers can continue to be selected by future councils, the chances of Downey having Bell-like problems are minimal! -- Bob and Jean Brazelton, Downey

********** Published: October 14, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 26

OpinionStaff Report