The Downey Patriot

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What are you thankful for?

Sandra Olmos: I am grateful for my kids, they have been my support in these last three years. I lost my job and they told me, "Mom, don't worry about it, it's our turn to take care of you". Best blessing in the word.Michael P Aguilar: I'm thankful for my beautiful wife, great friends and my continued recovery from a stroke. Vere Vida: I am thankful that there are special people out there, like speech therapists! My daughter, Natalia Vela, has come a long way this year! So many people can now understand her! It has been a year full of improvement for her! I am also thankful for all the new friends we have made here in Downey. They are an amazing community and have become like family. Mia Vasquez: I'm thankful for the 37 years I have been honored to be Mark Vasquez's daughter and to know and share his love for community, compassion, for mankind and strong work ethic. Dee Bacus: I'm thankful for the love and support of friends who gave of their time and love when we needed it. Happy Thanksgiving. God bless us all. Denise Juarez: I am thankful to live in Downey. We have a great community to raise a family. Great school district, teachers and staff. Great leadership from our mayor to our councilmen. Our city may not be perfect, but it is pretty close. All of this and an amazing family and friends, what more can I ask for. Thanks for it all! Raider Tommy: I am thankful for my family never giving up on me while I was on a dark, no good road. Happy to be able to spend Thanksgiving with them and not behind bars. Lilly Gomez: I'm thankful for dirty dishes, laundry, grocery list, headaches, tired muscles, alarm clocks and the word "MOOOOM!" because it's a wonderful feeling to have a family, and little ones who depend on you and make you feel alive. Thank you Lord! Connie Yepez Maradiaga: I'm thankful for my family and friends and for having God in my life. Patricia De Anda Salgado: I am thankful for my loving family, my husband and children. I'm also thankful to be a stay at home mom caring for our son with autism. I'm thankful to be able to volunteer within the community and for the many wonderful friends I've made along the way. Most of all I'm thankful for God's daily blessings. Leesa Ruiz: My kids, family, good health, and a roof over our heads. Susan Andrade: For pie. Matt N Lita Ramirez: I am thankful for my salvation! Thankful for God's love, mercy and grace. For my Godly husband, our beautiful children, my mother, sister, brothers, the most wonderful neighbor Lisa Fox, my church family (FBCD) and friends. My list can go on and on.... Thankful for employment, finances, home, etc. Alicia Edquist: I am thankful for my family and friends who have supported and loved me through everything, especially grad school. For my grandmothers who taught me hardwork pays off when you dedicate yourself and push forward. Michelle Davila: I am so thankful for so much! I am thankful for my husband, my twins, my fabulous fifth grade Gators at Old River, and this overall wonderful life I am allowed to live every day! Steven Monje: I'm thankful I don't work at Best Buy anymore. Last year they guaranteed they would never open on Thanksgiving, apparently they have a short-term memory problem. Marisa Palomar: I'm thankful for my two handsome boys and beautiful daughter and grand baby. I'm thankful for my mom, even 16 hours away she's only a phone call away and always there for me to cheer me up. I thank God that all of our family members are healthy and well. Even though we are miles away, we're still close at heart. Jennifer Muñoz: I am thankful for a husband who provides for his family, is an amazing father and never says a peep about me being a stay at home mom and full-time student. Even when financially we struggle, he knows how important my education is and supports me. Rosa Leon: My children, (sure the husband too) and Jesus Christ my savior. Shannon Lopez: Waking up every day and enjoying life to its fullest! I love you Ryan, Ray, and Matt! Krystal Baker: I'm thankful for my friends and family who serve this country! Matthew Cristea: For our excellent fire and police departments. Paula Mejia: I am thankful for the true longest vacation of my life and the best world destination: the USA. Where I met my wonderful husband/best friend Eduardo of 26 years and for giving me two amazing kids, Jacquelinne and Eddie. For that and all this land has given me I will forever be thankful! Thank you God! I'm loving it! I have given a lot, but I have received more. Don Valdez: I'm thankful for my wonderful family. Diana Solorzano: For the Downey Patriot Diana George: My family and friends. Our health and all the great people we've met here in the City of Downey. Laura Nieves Ocegueda: I'm thankful for all the blessings that surround me. My family, friends, job, my dog and this year, my first grandson. Pablo Liberto: I'm thankful for being in good health, having a great family, and for calling the beautiful city of Downey my home. Bill Aumack: I'm thankful for my God, my family and my country. I've been truly blessed with a great family, wonderful career and a great city to live in. Mike J. Chirco: I'm proud of my community! James Melton: There is no happiness without a sound body and mind. For these I am thankful. Taxman Moe Rangel: Thankful to be an American and to live in the land of the free. Aimee Bolden: I am thankful for caring and compassionate health care workers who have worked hard all year long yet many must work the holidays. My dad recently had kidney failure and will spend the first half of Thanksgiving at a dialysis center and the rest of the day counting his blessings with a family feast! Nicole Pierce: My husband, family, and Starbucks! Ashley Carmona: I'm thankful for my family, especially my two beautiful daughters, Le'ann and Kiley, and my wonderful husband Jimmy.

********** Published: Nov. 28, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 33