The Downey Patriot

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Students give up party for charity

NORWALK - Each year students throughout the Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with a feast in their classrooms so they can all give thanks for what they have.This year, however, fifth-grade students in Franco Laguna's class at Eastwood Elementary decided to forgo their feast and give thanks by giving to others. The students, with the help of their parents, packed nearly 50 "Blessing Bags" for the homeless. "We know a lot of classes are doing parties, but we were looking for something to do that would give back to the community," Laguna said. "We wanted the children to learn about the experience of giving. They really liked it and hope to do it again next year. They'll be in middle school, so hopefully this is something they can take with them." Blessing Bags are gallon-sized re-sealable plastic bags that contain toiletries, socks, snacks, over-the-counter medicine and other essentials that are handed out to those in need, primarily those who live on the street. Each bag also contained an inspirational letter from one of the students. The bags will be distributed throughout the community by La Mirada Public Safety officers. Students and parents donated money and goods for the bags. The class maintained a list of what was needed and how many items were donated. Room Moms then bought what was needed for the bags with the donated money. Soon, the students surpassed their original goal of 40 bags. "It was fun," said student Kayla Valenzuela. "We did it all together; it was teamwork. I think the people who get the bags will like them." Room Mom Sharon Fleenor said her son, Matt, had a blast going around the house collecting extra toothbrushes, soap and other items to put in the bags. "At Eastwood, the PTA tries to promote giving back every month," Fleenor said. "This coincides perfectly with that mission." Principal Yvette Cantu said while she enjoys the room parties at Thanksgiving, seeing the Blessing Bag effort spread throughout the campus and even the District would be even more fulfilling. "They gave up something to give to someone else, and I'll take that with me," Cantu said. NLMUSD Superintendent Dr. Ruth Pérez said she is beyond proud that the students would perform such a selfless act for those they have never met. "We all say that giving is better than receiving, but these children are walking the walk and demonstrating it," she said.

********** Published: Dec. 5, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 34