The Downey Patriot

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Holiday stress

Dear Editor:They say the economy is getting better. I guess I can see where that is true in some cases; myself, I have been unemployed since Jan. 14.

If it was just myself, no big deal. But I have a daughter and a disabled brother to take care of. I have not gotten any unemployment since Oct. 3, which was for the beginning of September.

On Dec. 10 I tried to receive the funds for October and November. I was told their computer made an error - a glitch had caused it to go back to a previous claim from 2008, and that I should have never been paid for August or September, but they were not going to request me to pay it back, which is good because currently I am more stressed about how to pay the rent this month.

I finally did get a job, but it is only 70 hours a month, and I have not been paid on that job yet, even though it is going on two months since I barely had the money to complete my background check.

I'm trying to find employment, I have filled out on a daily basis anywhere from 10-25 applications since Jan. 17. I've had about 70 interviews and received roughly 90 rejection letters.

As you read this, just remember the holidays are about family and friends spending time together, and even though the economy is getting better there are still a lot of people out there, like me, struggling to make it happen for our families.

Angela Marsh Downey

********** Published: Dec. 19, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 36