The Downey Patriot

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Superstar neurologist Dr. Helena Chui to speak at stroke prevention seminar

DOWNEY – One of the world’s leading neurologists will be the keynote speaker at the year’s final free Stroke Prevention Seminar at Rio Hondo Event Center on Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 9:30 a.m.. Dr. Helena Chui, Chair of the USC Department of Neurology and a world-renowned physician and researcher, will be providing her insights about “Stroke and Dementia” at the event.  Dr. Chui is very familiar with the Downey community, having worked with the Alzheimer Disease Research Center at USC and its Alzheimer Disease Centers at USC and Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center for more than three decades.

“We are thrilled to have Dr. Chui as our final presenter of 2014 in what has become the nation’s most successful series of stroke prevention seminars,” said RTH Stroke Foundation President Deborah Massaglia.  “We encourage those who are interested in hearing and meeting Dr. Chui to register right away, because all of our seminars in Downey have filled up, often within a day.

“We know anyone who attends will learn a lot and will enjoy hearing from Dr. Chui, because her ratings from her previous talks are among the highest we’ve seen in 15 years of holding stroke prevention seminars.”

Everyone attending the event will also receive a free blood-pressure screening.  So far, nearly 300 individuals with life-threateningly high blood pressure have found out about their condition for the first time at these local seminars sponsored by RTH Stroke Foundation, Keck Medicine of USC, Rio Hondo Event Center, PIH Health and The Downey Patriot.

Registering for the free stroke prevention seminar is easy.  Either visit online or call (888) 794-9466 to sign up.

Not surprisingly Dr. Chui has earned exceptionally high marks from those who have heard her speak in the local area.  “I learned so much from Dr. Chui about memory loss, and discovered many ideas about how to live a healthier life that I applied in my own life,” said Downey community leader Beverly Mathis.  “She is very interesting and  informative, and the way she speaks with people is so encouraging.

“I remember that the last time she spoke at a stroke prevention seminar she stayed long after her presentation was finished to answer more questions from the audience,” Beverly said.  “There must have been 60 or 70 people in line to speak with Dr. Chui, and she smiled and listened to each one and spoke to them with words they could understand and act upon.  I can’t wait to see what she’s going to tell us on October 29th, because she is truly an inspiration to us all.”

Dr. Chui’s appearance is part of a larger effort by USC’s Alzheimer Disease Research Center (ADRC) to reach out to underserved communities throughout the greater Los Angeles area.

In her presentation, Dr. Chui will report the latest findings of the research she and her ADRC colleagues have conducted at USC and Rancho as they seek effective new approaches to the detection, cause, prevention, and treatment of early-stage cognitive impairment.  She will also discuss research developments from around the world.

“The whole world awaits the day when a truly effective medical treatment becomes available for Alzheimer Disease,” Dr. Chui said.  “Meanwhile, the best treatment is still a day-by-day holistic approach to optimize quality of life. A huge difference can be made in the quality of life we experience, depending upon our outlook and supportive and caring relationships with others.

“This depends upon maintaining the spiritual, physical, and mental well-being of the care partner, as well as the person with the disease,” Dr. Chui said. “We understand that memory loss is a family issue that requires effective long-term planning and action to address all the needs of the family unit.”

“Dr. Chui will be speaking about the devastating impact stroke and memory loss has on the health of America’s families,” Deborah said.  “In addition to learning about dementia, event participants will be provided with vital information that may help them prevent a stroke and save their life or the life of a loved one.”

Under Dr. Chui’s leadership, USC’s ADRC is organized around six core areas: administration; clinical; data and informatics; neuropathology; outreach, recruitment and education; and imaging.  In addition to Dr. Chui, who heads the administration core, several other core leaders, such as Dr. Lon Schneider (clinical) and Dr. Arthur Toga (imaging) are themselves world-renowned experts in their specialties.  In addition to its groundbreaking research, Keck Medicine of USC provides the most advanced diagnostic and treatment services available for Alzheimer Disease, other types of dementia and diseases related to aging.

Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center (an affiliate of USC) makes available to the community outstanding resources for the community both in memory loss and stroke.  “Our California Alzheimer Disease Center team at Rancho is led by Dr. Freddi Sigal-Gidan, who has more than a quarter century of experience in research and treatment of Alzheimer Disease and other memory loss issues; and Dr. Liliana Gomez Ramirez, who has become one of the top young doctors in the field,” Dr. Chui said.

“Rancho also has a number of experts in stroke and other acute neurological conditions, led by Chief Medical Officer Dr. Mindy Aisen.   The stroke service is led byDr. Amytis Towfighi, who is one of the most talented and accomplished stroke physicians and researchers in the world,” she said. “We also have the brilliant neuorosurgeon Dr. Charles Liu and a rising star in Dr. Susan Shaw, among many distinguished clinicians.

“Keck Medicine of USC is very proud of our long-term partnership with Rancho and the talents of the many USC physicians and clinicians who are associated with this superb rehabilitation facility,” Dr. Chui added.  It’s an excellent example of how we bring our treatment and research protocols to underserved populations.”

She also suggested that those who are interested in finding out more about memory loss should visit the USC ADRC’s new web site at

“We have spent nearly a year working to make our new site more relevant to our patients, participants and families, researchers and healthcare professionals, and the community we serve,” Dr. Chui said.  “The web site makes it easy to join the ADRC family and learn more about memory loss or sign up for a clinical trial or study.

“We are learning much about stroke, memory loss and other brain-related issues each day as research continues to provide the answers to many questions and challenges we have faced in the world of medicine,” Dr. Chui said.  “At Keck Medicine of USC, we are at the forefront of this work, and we intend to continue our efforts to meaningfully participate in the worldwide search to find better treatments and eventually cures so that one day we will have defeat each and every neurological disease.”

With her tremendous leadership and her many clinical and research achievements, Dr. Chui has an interesting perspective about neurological issues such as stroke and dementia.

“We encourage everyone reading this article to sign up for Dr. Chui’s seminar on October 29th because she is a great doctor, a great researcher and a great communicator,” Deborah said. “It’s an opportunity for all of us to interact and learn from a giant of the healthcare world, who possesses the rare combination of the intellect, experience and achievements that make her a world leader in her field, matched by a humility and caring heart that makes her beloved by her patients and colleagues.”

“This is an opportunity for each of us to be touched by greatness,” Beverly said. “If you can only do one thing for yourself this fall, attend Dr. Chui’s seminar.  Like me, you may learn something that could change your life or the life of someone you love.”



Published: Oct. 9, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 26