The Downey Patriot

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Irish exhibit

Dear Editor: It is a great pleasure to be welcomed by the residents of Downey and I feel right at home.

I was delighted that Stay Gallery wished to exhibit my work given that Roscommon County (Ireland) was recently twinned with Downey as a Sister City. I had an exhibition of paintings and prints in my local village of Knockcroghery, a small town in Ireland, to raise money to travel to Downey. I feel as if I am bringing a bit of Ireland with me to this wonderful city. My hometown has a very vibrant artists community, and I feel that this is also the case at Stay Gallery.

My influences come from the constant changing of nature – the passing of seasons, changing colors, and reflections on the water. I feel that painting slows me down, and serves as a form of meditation. Each piece of work I create is unique and original, and connects the soul, the mind, the hand, and the brush.

I am excited for my exhibition titled ‘Moments in Time’.  I hope this show provides glimpses of my beautiful Ireland to the Downey community. I would like to thank the Sister Cities partnership with the City of Downey and Stay Gallery for making this possible. Displaying these works means the world to me. We look forward to hosting a delegation of Downey artists in Roscommon County in the near future.

Anne Rigney

Roscommon County, Ireland



Published: April 24, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 02