The Downey Patriot

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Downey’s dynamic duo

DOWNEY – Downey’s high school football team has a rich history of mentoring some of the best football players. Under the leadership of Jack Williams, this year’s senior’s hold a CIF championship under their belt. Expectations are high for this year’s varsity team, but with those expectations comes strength and determination to be better than ever before. Everyone has a story. Some have it written all over their faces, while others hide it well. To us it’s just another high school football game. To those who play the game every Friday night, the game is life. Each moment is live or collapse.

Amongst the excitement you will catch a glimpse of something. It’s a very rare and special bond you find in football. A brotherhood incomparable and inseparable to your average football friends. There’s this chemistry between the two where once they lock eye contact on one another, it’s game time. Suddenly this duo becomes one. It’s a trust that has been earned and proved year after year.

Holding down the Downey Vikings’ football defensive line stands the dynamic duo of Christopher Blanton (42) and Jason Thomas (2). Both have been playing together with the Norwalk/Santa Fe Springs Saints since the age of 8 years old. This dynamic duo has played a vital role in Downey’s success story.

So what’s it like to be the dynamic duo? Adrenaline, excitement, nervousness, pumped up, and in that moment the duo is unstoppable. They both know what the other is thinking, they have each other’s back, they pick up each other’s slack, and you don’t have to worry about him or tell him what you’re thinking because he already knows because they are always in sync. This is what makes the Downey defensive line a force to be reckoned with.

“It’s Friday night, our sophomore year, and our first year on varsity playing in a playoff game against Rowland Heights,” recalled Jason. “There was this one play where the first block came from Blanton. He cleared the path for me to intercept the ball and run it in for a touchdown. It was a great moment.”

“That’s my brother, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him. We made a pact for our senior year,” Chris says with enthusiasm.

“Our pact is our 6 a.m. commitment to train hard. Be intense with determination to be nothing but the best. Go in full beast mode on every play in every game,” Jason and Chris both confirm.

When asked why such a commitment they both respond, “This year we dedicated to our mommas. They are the reason we have anything to begin with. Some players don’t even have mothers who go to their games or nag them to make better choices in life. But our moms do. Our moms are sick, work hard to provide, and are at every game cheering us on. So this year goes to them. The number one women in our lives.”

To fulfill this pact Jason plans to attend college to pursue a degree in sports medicine and Chris plans to also attend college to pursue a degree in history.

We wish these boys the best of luck on and off the field. Who will be next week’s highlight player... Stay tuned to see!



Published: Sept. 4, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 21