The Downey Patriot

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Democratic leaders

Dear Editor: After reading The Downey Patriot (7/17/14), there are several things I’d like to address.

First, Cristina Garcia’s article (“Cristina Garcia Asks for Patience in State of the State Address”). Ms. Garcia says she’s married to the left on social issues, yet the things she mentioned she’d like to see happen and to change are directly opposed to the liberal left. She’s concerned about small businesses in her district. Small businesses are not only in her district, but all over California.

She stated she favors the one-year extension delaying the impact of Obamacare. What negative impact is she expecting? In other words, “you ain’t seen nothing yet -- it will get worse.” Wasn’t this horrendous healthcare bill passed by the Democrats (“left”) who couldn’t bother to read it? Could the 45 percent of her district residents who are eligible for subsidized healthcare add to the misery of working people who are responsible to pay the debt of the state of California?

Of course, we must consider the cost of the Central American children that our “leftist, progressive” President is allowing to happen -- costing approximately $3.5 billion. They are so generous with our money, or borrowed money. Maybe it should be said California had a lot of businesses and manufacturing. Many have moved to other states to avoid the high taxes and regulations by the Democratic politicians.

Our education system has gone down in spite of all the money we’ve thrown at it. Maybe partly because of federally-sponsored Common Core. Some states have opted out, but the liberals in California won’t have the foresight to do it.

I hope those who make the final decision on the Club DB Lounge go-go dancers will have the good sense to turn it down. I’m shocked to know that this would even be considered by Downey leaders.

I’ve always thought of Downey as a good community in which to rear children. We, the citizens, want it to stay that way.

Betty Logan




Published: July 31, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 16