The Downey Patriot

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Cerritos College president confirms retirement

Cerritos College president Dr. Linda Lacy will retire when her contract expires next year, the college announced today. Her last day is June 30, 2015.

"With my announcement, I wanted to ensure that the college has adequate time to find a qualified, dedicated CEO who will give their best to our students and serve the College and community with vision," Lacy said.

Lacy was hired as Cerritos College president in 2009, after 23 years with the Riverside Community College District. At Cerritos, she worked to modernize the 59-year-old campus with a Liberal Arts/DSPS building, Physical Science and Technology facility, a fine arts complex,  and several campus-wide infrastructure upgrades, among other projects.

"I have had the privilege of watching Cerritos College transform in tremendous ways from adding new programs and services to student success initiatives," Lacy said in a prepared statement. "There's nothing more rewarding than knowing that the College has given students a sense of hope for their future and the resources they need to be successful. Cerritos College is a special place filled with gifted students, incredible staff and faculty - I will always be a Falcon."

"Dr. Lacy's leadership and passion for the success of Cerritos College students will continue to have long-lasting effects," said Carmen Avalos, president of the Cerritos College Board of Trustees. "Her commitment to education has added to the legacy of our institution. Dr. Lacy will be greatly missed by all. We wish her a happy and fruitful retirement."