Downey KIWIN'S win club of the year
DOWNEY - Downey High School's KIWIN'S Club attended the California-Nevada-Hawaii KIWIN'S district convention in San Diego held April 19-21, held every year in celebration of the accomplishments of KIWIN'S, a youth service club sponsored by Kiwanis.Hundreds of students listened to speakers discuss leadership skills, while also attending meetings and voting on new district officers for next year. The Downey KIWIN'S Club was honored as Distinguished Club of the Year for 2012-13. It also received first place awards for its Governor's District Project; first place for best T-shirt design; second place for club promotion video; and fundraiser of the year for its work in pediatric trauma prevention. In addition, club advisor Alex Gaytan was inducted into the KIWIN'S Hall of Fame and recognized as advisor of the year. "We were honored to represent Downey High KIWIN'S and take so many awards home," said Karina Gonzalez, treasurer for Downey KIWIN'S. "We can't wait to get home and get to work on the new year serving the community of Downey." Downey High students who attended the convention included club president Anthony De Leon, Joshua Ruiz, Robert Perez, Karina Gonzalez, Andrea Martinez and Jessica Samaniego. They were accompanied by their advisor, Alex Gaytan.
********** Published: May 2, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 03