Downey High student wins art competition
DOWNEY - A painting by Downey High School senior Daisy Watson won first place in Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard's student art competition.A resident of Bellflower, Daisy created her piece with water colors, pages of old books and acrylic paint. The picture, titled "Sailing Through Thoughts," is her interpretation of finding her way "through the thought process and trying to understand all that the world can hold" for her. Daisy said she entered the competition with encouragement from her art teacher, Darrelle Nikaj. Second place went to Bellflower High School senior Stephanie Perez for her photograph "Soledad." Isabel Parades, a senior at Paramount High, won third place for her photo "Frida by Jackie." Warren High junior Donna Bellido won honorable mention for her untitled art work done in scratchboard and tempera paint. The 120 entries submitted for the art competition were judged on originality, technical skill, artistic presentation and use of color and contrast. For winning first place, Daisy will receive a $1,000 scholarship, $200 for art supplies, a trip to Washington, D.C. for herself and a parent to attend the June 26 national exhibit opening, and $500 for travel expenses. Stephanie receives a $750 scholarship and $175 for art supplies for winning second place. Third place winner Isabel will receive a $500 scholarship and $150 for art supplies, while honorable mention winner Donna receives a $250 scholarship and $125 for supplies. Following an exhibit at the Pico House gallery, Daisy will have her entry displayed in the U.S. Capitol for one year while the remaining winning students will have their artwork displayed in Roybal-Allard's district office in Commerce.
********** Published: May 16, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 05