The Downey Patriot

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Applecare earns 'elite' status

DOWNEY - Applecare Medical Group, which has been providing healthcare for Downey residents and patients at Downey Regional Medical Center for nearly two decades, has been awarded the Elite status in the 2013 California Association of Physician Groups Standards of Excellence Survey of coordinated care infrastructure.Applecare is a leading multi-specialty group of private practice, independent physicians. Applecare's Elite status was awarded based on its high standards of excellence in four distinct areas that characterize effective provider groups, including: care management processes, health information technology applications, accountability and transparency, and patient-centered care. Applcare joins 36 medical groups this year sharing the honor from the California Association of Physician Groups, a professional association comprised of more than 150 of California's leading physician groups. These groups employ and/or contract with 59,000 physicians who, in turn, provide healthcare services to approximately 15 million Californians. Applecare serves more than 75,000 members.

********** Published: June 13, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 09