The Downey Patriot

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Failing grades for mayor

Dear Editor:I read Roger Brossmer's Downey Patriot farewell regarding his term as mayor. Very well put, as always. He is quite the essayist. And while I would agree with the very rosy picture he painted with his synopsis of his own work as mayor, achieving everything he set out to do, I would give him a failing grade of F when it comes to his human rights efforts. Of course, human rights was never on the agenda. So, technically speaking, he didn't fail. He succeeded everywhere he wanted to. He spent $300,000 on a homage to long dead veterans. He created 4,200 minimum wage or below living wage jobs at Tierra Luna. And he housed the mock space shuttle. But as for the 1,500-plus homeless of Downey, and don't let me forget the working class poor that live at the Ace mobile home park on Woodruff and all of the working class people that live below the poverty line in and around the McMansions of Downey, as for them, they are still no better off for his mayorship. Well, I guess they might get one of those 4,200 minimum wage jobs at Tierra Luna. Greta Campbell Downey

********** Published: December 13, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 35