The Downey Patriot

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Downey first responders

Dear Editor:During the week of Dec. 17 our family witnessed first hand how quickly and efficiently the Downey Fire Department responds to an emergency. On Tuesday evening, my husband had returned from the wound care clinic at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center when all of a sudden he began to bleed profusely. It was uncontrollable. I called 911 and within 3-4 minutes six paramedics arrived and immediately took his vitals, started an IV and called Downey Regional Medical Center's emergency room to alert them of my husband's condition. His blood pressure had dropped to 64/44. He was pale and slipping into a non-responsive state. He was taken to DRMC and the ER doctor performed emergency surgery to his wound. The following day, we needed to call the paramedics again because his wound began to bleed once more. since his physicians worked out of Long Beach Memorial, the paramedics took him there whereby he was hospitalized for two days. Then on Saturday morning as I was driving out of my driveway on Brookshire Avenue, a red Toyota Corolla traveling at a very high rate of speed struck me broadside, spun my car around and landed me on the opposite side of the street. I couldn't get out of my car; the car door would not open. The police department, fire department and paramedics were called and took me to DRMC. A few tests were taken and luckily I am fine. I want to personally thank the Downey Fire Department, the Downey Police Department and Downey paramedics for their tenacity, composure and excellent knowledge of handling not only this emergency, but the daily emergencies they are called to perform throughout our city. They saved my husband's life and handled my car accident injury with finesse and expertise, thus allowing our family to experience the best Christmas present ever. I understand the city needs to cut expenditures, but please Mayor Guerra, do not cut any services from the Downey Fire Department or the Downey Police Department. They save lives every day and serve our community extremely well. Melodie Santana Downey

********** Published: January 3, 2013 - Volume 11 - Issue 38