The Downey Patriot

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Yes on Measure G

Dear Editor: Cerritos College is one of the great educational resources in this region. Serving 10 cities and thousands of students throughout Southern California, Cerritos College readies our students for transfer to four-year colleges and universities so they can earn higher degrees and prepare for jobs in business, manufacturing, healthcare, automotive repair and other career opportunities.

The campus is nearly 60 years old and is heavily used by over 22,000 students and faculty each semester. Labs, shops and classrooms are worn out and technology supporting instruction is outdated. The state does not adequately fund the upkeep and modernization of college facilities. Therefore, the people who love Cerritos College and the Board of Trustees are asking local voters for the approval of Measure G. Cerritos College belongs to everyone who lives in this area. It takes local supporters willing to vote YES on Measure G to keep Cerritos College the great resource it's been for nearly 60 years.

Cerritos College is the first open door for our 800 veterans who have returned to America to resume a productive life. Each semester more and more veterans return to Cerritos College from deployments throughout the world. They have served our country and now want to build lives for themselves and their families. Cerritos College offers veterans the support they need to be successful. Measure G helps the College continue this vital work and expand the programs to help our veterans.

Please go to the College's website at to review the work already completed at the College and read about the plans for the future of the campus. In addition, please go to the Measure G website at to see who is supporting our bond election.

Please join me and support Cerritos College by voting YES on Measure G. Gary Smuts, Ed.D. Superintendent of the ABC Unified School District (retired) Alumni Cerritos College, 1970

********** Published: November 1, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 29