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WWE SummerSlam Predictions

The biggest show of the summer - SummerSlam – takes place this Sunday. With a card full of top stars and interesting feuds, here are a few predictions.

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Universal Championship Fatal Four Way – Samoa Joe vs. Braun Stroman vs. Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar (c)

Paul Heyman has been really playing up the “If Brock loses the title we leave WWE” angle, which is made even more interesting by rumors of Brock Lesnar making a UFC return. A UFC return is complicated for a myriad of reasons, not least of which being that he still has several months left on a USADA suspension for failing several drug tests.

In short, Lesnar and Heyman aren’t going anywhere.

Prediction: Brock Lesnar

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WWE Championship Match – Jinder Mahal (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

There’s been practically no buildup for this match, except for the fact that Nakamura beat John Cena clean to get the opportunity. Nakamura seems to be getting a majority of the push heading into this match, which doesn’t seem like a good sign for the champ.

Prediction: Shinsuke Nakamura

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United States Championship Match - AJ Styles (c) vs. Kevin Owens w/ Shane McMahon as referee

I’m going to be honest here; I have no idea as this could go either way. I’m going to go bold with my prediction: Styles drops the championship in order to be freed up for the rumored upcoming second Superstar Shakeup. In other words, Owens wins the belt, Styles goes off to Raw.

Prediction: Kevin Owens

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Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt

Originally I gave this to Wyatt, however Monday night changed that prediction entirely. With Wyatt picking up a win on Raw this week, and Balor announcing that “The Demon,” would be making an appearance, it’s pretty safe to say that Balor picks up the win.

Prediction: Finn Balor

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Raw Women’s Championship Match – Alexa Bliss vs. Sasha Banks

This program was quickly thrown together after Bayley – Bliss’s original challenger – suffered an injury. It came down to Banks and Nia Jax to replace Bayley, and I honestly feel WWE made the wrong call. Bliss and Jax have this “friendship” story going, and a match between them would’ve been much more compelling.

Bliss retains, just because there’s not enough story to warrant a title change.

Prediction: Alexa Bliss

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Smackdown Women’s Championship Match – Naomi vs. Natalya

You would think that Naomi is the odds on favorite, but I smell an upset. I think Natalya wins the championship in order to put over a new, upcoming star later on (maybe a debuting Asuka freshly called up from NXT).

Prediction: Natalya


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Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match – The New Day (c) vs. The Usos

This is probably the best feud in the entire tag team division right now (and that includes Raw and Smackdown). The New Day will likely get the nod here, possibly closing up this feud and sending them off to new, fresh challengers.

Prediction: New Day


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Raw Tag Team Championship Match – Sheamus and Cesaro (c) vs Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins

It’s been building for weeks, and Monday finally saw it happen: The Shield (or at least, two of them) is back together. Look for an even more satisfying payoff than the one fans got on Raw.

Prediction: Ambrose and Rollins

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John Cena vs. Baron Corbin

Personal opinion: WWE squandered a big opportunity to grow and develop Corbin by having him unsuccessfully cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase. If the company really wants Corbin as the next big heel, then he needs to win here; a win over Cena can do wonders for a career.

Prediction: Baron Corbin

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Cruiserweight Championship Match – Akira Tozawa (c) vs. Neville

Tozawa shocked the world on Monday when he defeated Neville and ended a championship reign that had been running strong since January. Sunday will now see the rematch between the two, and I find it unlikely that the WWE will so quickly pluck the title off of Tozawa a la Zack Ryder.

Prediction: Akira Tozawa

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Randy Orton vs. Rusev

Not a whole lot makes sense about this feud. I say Orton should put over Rusev and let the Bulgarian Brute pick up some momentum onto something bigger and better.

Prediction: Rusev

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Big Show vs. Big Cass w/ Enzo Amore suspended above the ring in a shark cage

This is a good opportunity for a star on his way to retirement (Big Show), to put over the next big “giant.” Why this match requires Enzo Amore in a shark cage is beyond me.

Badda boom, dumbest match gimmick in the room. How you doin'?

Prediction: Big Cass