The Downey Patriot

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Writers win for verse

DOWNEY - Writers' Workshop West has announced the winners of its light verse competition held in May.Rosalie Sciortino won first place for "The Red Shoes"; Frank Kearns' "Three Tea Party Pigs" was voted second place; and Lorine Parks won third place for "Pavlov's…" In April, Parks also won in the serious poetry category for "The Boys I Borrowed" and Sciortino won for "Wind Song." Kearns, Margaret Hehman Smith, Yolanda Adele and Anita Nutt also were award winners in April. Writers' Workshop West welcomed its newest member, Spencer Eubank, at its last meeting. The club meets at Downey High School the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Beginning and established writers are welcome. For more information, call (562) 862-3106.

********** Published: June 4, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 7