The Downey Patriot

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Woman convicted of Lakewood murder

NORWALK - A Norwalk Superior Court jury convicted a 25-year-old woman last Friday on murder and other charges in connection with the knife attack on four people in a Lakewood home three years ago.The jury deliberated about two days before convicting Virginia Ann Krall of one count of second degree murder, three counts of attempted murder and one count of residential burglary, said Deputy District Attorney Frank Dunnick. The jury also found true allegations Krall used a knife and the victims suffered great bodily injury. According to prosecutors, Krall had been staying with friends in Lakewood when she broke into a nearby home at about 3 a.m. on June 16, 2006. The first victim, a woman, was stabled several times but managed to flee as she tried to warn her grandmother and aunt. Krall was convicted of the second-degree murder of the first victim's mother, Yolanda Meraz. The attempted murder convictions were for attacks on the first victim, her grandmother and her aunt. All survived multiple stab wounds. Krall was arrested at the scene by Sheriff's deputies and has remained in custody on more than $2 million bail. Krall entered a double plea of innocent and innocent by reason of insanity. The jury that convicted Krall will now decide if she was sane or insane during the time the crimes were committed.

********** Published: August 21, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 18