The Downey Patriot

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Wind harvesting

Dear Editor:On Sept. 6, I sent a letter to Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich documenting inconsistencies between California government code and the current Los Angeles County ordinances governing the use of wind power in the unincorporated areas. Since that time, Supervisor Antonovich has written a letter to me acknowledging his concerns and forwarded my list of grievances to Richard J. Bruckner, director of the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning for clarification. Regional planning is an administrative body that enforces ordinances adopted by the Board of Supervisors. Director Bruckner was kind enough to detail the requirements and history of the "Wind Energy Conversion Systems - Noncommercial" ordinance that was adopted in 2002. This ordinance was signed into L.A. County law after the AB 1207 bill was passed in 2001. Even at that time, it didn't meet with the dictates of AB 1207. Since then, there have been numerous additions and clarifications to the California Government Code concerning our right to harvest the wind. I have asked Supervisor Antonovich to champion the effort to update the current L.A. County wind regulations to comply with California state laws. It is my hope that we can turn Los Angeles County into a "Free Wind Zone." -- James Lee, Acton

********** Published: October 13, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 26