The Downey Patriot

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Why were Downey residents not asked about a library closure?

Dear Editor:

There was an article in the paper that the Downey City Library is going to be closed for more than a year for extensive remodeling.

They are doing this because they need to use up the millions of dollars raised by the half-cent sales tax increase voted for by the citizens of Downey for the benefit of the Downey library.

We voted for that sales tax increase to assure that our library wouldn’t need to be closed a couple of days a week because of under-funding.

The City Council does not own the library, the citizens of Downey own the library.

We elected the City Council to represent us, not to rule us.

The City Council needs to ask the owners of the library, the users of the library, if this is what we want.

Seniors, including myself, use the library on a regular basis for research, making copies, and even using the restroom in an emergency. Seniors ages 90 do not decide when to use the restroom. They just hope to make it in time. Every time is an emergency. We don’t have a year to give up our library.

The kids who go to the library every day after school to do their homework can’t give up a year. Neither can the little children who have classes there.

The myriad of people who just drop in occasionally to check out a book, a VHS tape, a CD recording, or whatever requires constant access. And the people who attend the computer classes don’t have a year to spare either.

My suggestion is to remodel the library one section at a time but leave it open.

The City Council should be doing what candidate Carrie Uva said to me, “Reach out to me. Reach out to me.”

They should be asking for input by the citizens. Then we’d have a good City Council.

Belle Fluhart