The Downey Patriot

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Warren students advance to NASA design finals

DOWNEY - Warren High School's engineering teams have advanced to the finals of a NASA Engineering Design Challenge, which is sponsored by NASA, the National Institute of Aerospace and USA Today Education.Teams of students from Warren High engineering classes have been working on their contest entries since October. The challenge was to design a robotic foot that could be used with the NASA-designed Robonaut 2 robot that will be deployed to work on the International Space Station in the future. Under the guidance of engineering teacher Glenn Yamasaki, students designed, evaluated, re-engineered and submitted their proposal for the Jan. 27 deadline and waited for the results. Ten teams working on the Robonaut 2 would be selected nationwide from the proposals to move on to the finals. Of the 10 spots available in the nation, Warren High students qualified for two of them. The two teams will now work on a new design challenge as they collaborate with college aerospace engineering students. The finals winner of the design challenge will be announced April 20. The two Warren teams are "Los Coyotes" with members Oscar Beltran and Jhonny Cuyuch, working with Ohio State University aerospace engineering students. "Team Rocket" with Jordan Mann, Jonathan Iglesias, Eric Garcia and Jennifer Segura are working with an aerospace engineering graduate student from the University of Colorado at Boulder.

********** Published: February 9, 2012 - Volume 10 - Issue 43